

2017-01-05 10:25


作者:吉林新东方 朱博


    关于“someone you met before and want to know more about”这道烦人的话题,很多孩子都表示很无语。一般情况下如果met过了,想去了解就直接去了解啊!有什么能妨碍我们know more about her or him呢?所以这个题目的潜台词难道是让我们讲述一位只有一面之缘的人…… 这个很难搞耶,随便在大街上看到个帅哥就开始YY倒是经常发生的桥段,然后阴差阳错的又在某一天的某个街角遇到,于是爱情偶像剧就开始了。这里可以帮大家开个头:The other day, I met this drop-dead handsome guy in a mall near where I live. I could tell that he’s got wonderful taste from his outfit. I got deeply attracted to him by his big sparkling eyes. My mind went blank suddenly. When I came around/came to myself, he was gone. I felt a little disappointed, ‘cause I haven’t got a change to strike up a conversation with him. However, I never expected that there would be a twist. 好吧我编不下去了…… 至于这个twist是啥,大家就开始发挥想象力吧,比如某个巧合你们就相识了,然后开始慢慢了解,然后你就开始像剥洋葱一样一点点发现他的内在美,前半段故事说关于“met”的事儿,后半段故事说“want to know more”的事儿,比如He keeps surprising me with his talents, I really want to know more about him, you know, to see what more he’s got. 然后偶像剧结束。

    如果你感觉这种事情不太会发生在自己的身上,那么就来个学生时代都能经历过的人物----代课老师。怎么想都扣题对不对!见过之后深深地被他的才华吸引,只可惜他不是自己的科任老师,于是没有机会了解更多,sad story结束。


The person I’d like to talk about is my history substitute teacher, who only taught us for one day, but managed to leave a deep impression on all of us. If you ask any of my classmates, they would say that was definitely the best history class they’d ever had during high school. I mean, history classes had always been mind-numbing until we had her class. We never knew history could be that fun. And I know it doesn’t seem right to say bad things behind one’s back, but by comparison, our regular teacher doesn’t really know her stuff, I mean, she has terrible teaching style, you know, she just reads the textbook, and sometimes we even get confused, so I was kind of relieved when I heard she called in sick that day. I know it was horrible of me to say that but I really was.

Anyway, our school assigned/appointed another young teacher as our substitute history teacher, and she really brought history to life for us. She designed entertaining class activities for us to take part in, and she told hilarious stories about the historical figures, which is something we couldn’t have known from the textbook. We really had a blast and learned a lot from her class.

And I heard she has a strong sense of humor and she’s super patient and responsible. To her students, she’s more like a big sister, but sadly, I didn’t have the chance to experience more of her teaching method. I felt it was such a shame. I really want to know more about her.



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