

2017-01-05 10:24


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

广大考生普遍反映,没有什么运动是不烧钱的!除了在家穿拖鞋跳郑多燕,任何运动都是a little expensive!如果大家对于这道题没有思路,可以从以下几个方面考虑该运动是否很费钱:

1. 装备。这一项包括从头到脚的专业装备,各种outfit。例如头顶的helmet,脸上的glasses,手腕戴的sweatband,再加上什么sneakers啥的sportswear,一套装备下来就得不少钱吧!

2. 器材。Fitness equipment一般可都不便宜,无论是跑步机(treadmill)还是简简单单的一个瑜伽垫(yoga mat),都是要钱的哇。

2. 场地。一般除了自己在家做运动或者小区里的户外健身广场,去gym都是要花钱的,无论是打篮球,羽毛球还是游泳,都是要收门票滴吧!

3. 教练。学一门需要skill的运动,都是需要别人教的嘛。请一位personal trainer或者coach是很贵的哦!They are paid by the hour

4. 一些特定地点才会有的运动。有些运动并不是在所有城市都可以做的哦!例如跳伞啦,蹦极啦等极限运动,或者是很挑季节的运动例如滑雪。所以,为了做这些运动,就不是光买门票这么简单的事儿了,还得买机票……



The sport I’d like to talk about is snowboarding.

I first went snowboarding when I was in junior high school, before that, every time my mom took me to a ski resort, we would just go skiing or snow tubing. But one day, I wanted to challenge myself so I went up to a steeper slope, and I saw several people swoosh past. I felt it was so cool and exhilarating. So I begged my mom to find me a coach, you know, to teach me this awesome sport. But to our surprise, hiring a personal coach is outrageously expensive, they charge us 500 RMB an hour, maybe it’s because that was during the peak season.

I tried to teach myself but it was humanly impossible. I kept falling down over and over again. I just couldn’t keep my balance and my movements were awkward. It was so different from skiing. So my mom decided to find me a coach anyway, so that’s how I learned this sport.

And I have to say, this sport has cost me a lot. After I got the hang of it, I became obsessed with this sport. I even got a snowboard online for myself, ‘cause I don’t want to rent one every time I go there. And as for the tickets for the resort, they are a little bit unreasonably expensive as well, about 250 RMB per person. But luckily, I live in a place where it snows a lot during winter. Otherwise, I’ll have to include the train tickets or flight tickets in the cost every time I go snowboarding. 


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