

2016-10-21 09:25


作者:吉林新东方 朱博






I’d like to talk about my Chinese teacher, who has a great influence on me. What first attracted me to her was her creative teaching style. / I admire this teacher because of her creative teaching style/method.

Unlike other teachers who want to turn their students into study machines, she’s pretty student-centered. We all know that Chinese educational system is test-oriented, but she pays more attention to our character building.

She taught us how to deal with the frustration and difficulties in our lives and she always manage to bring out the best in us.

I remember once, when I was in high school, I went through a really difficult time in my study. I mean, during that period, I studied really hard, but I just couldn’t get satisfying grades. I felt so frustrated. I didn’t know why. Every day I stayed up late until midnight, but I felt my hard work just didn’t pay off.

She noticed that there was something wrong with me, so she called me to her office and had a long conversation with me.

To my surprise, she didn’t mention anything about study. Instead, she kept talking about my future life. She pictured an image where I lead an independent life, and I fit in with the society perfectly. And she told me, it’s only natural to feel stressed out in the last year of high school, there was no need to make a big deal. All I needed to do was to get enough sleep, and stop worrying about my grades. As long as I get into the right frame of mind, everything else would work out just fine.

I felt so relieved after that, and needless to say, I got much better later. So I’m really grateful for that.





吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



  • 考研资讯
  • 四六级资讯
  • 雅思资讯
  • 托福资讯


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