2016-10-21 09:18
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
其实看到这道题之后,我真的是饶家一周,细数了一下家里哪些equipment能让我介绍个两分钟。嗯… 好像没啥,于是只能动用平时看剧或者到别人家做客时看到的东西了。比如到厨房我们可以看到oven、blender,客厅有movie theater或者Xbox,喜欢运动的家庭可能还会有treadmill啥的,比较偷懒的可能还会买automatic vacuum cleaner,比较追求生活品质的肯定喜欢买full-body massage chair(全身按摩椅)或者Jacuzzi(按摩浴缸)等等… 我们来挑一个有故事的比较有用途的来讲,估计时间差不多能凑到两分钟,先介绍一下为啥买,再说说买完之后都什么时候用,或者对我们的生活有什么改变。我们先挑oven试试:
I’d like to talk about the oven in our kitchen.
Actually at first, my mom bought it for me, but now it has become the most frequently used equipment at our home.
I’m a big fan of culinary art, and I always watch cooking programs and read recipe books. I’m so jealous of those who can bake various delicate desserts, like cupcakes, pies, cookies and puffs. So I begged my mom to buy an oven for me so that I could become a “baker” myself. My mom said no first, ‘cause she thought it was a waste of time. I should focus more on my study. But I’m not the kind of person who would take no for an answer, I kept begging and begging, and finally, she gave in and got me one. I bought some other utensils and ingredients online, and started to bake according to the recipe book. It turned out I was pretty talented, the bread I made was palatable, believe it or not, I felt it was much tastier than the ones I got from a bakery. I even took them to school and shared with my classmates. They were surprised to know that I made them myself.
It’s really convenient to use this oven to prepare for breakfast. It’s user-friendly and it only takes up to 5 minutes to get everything ready. That’s good news for someone like me who doesn’t like to get up early.
And my dad benefits a lot from it as well, ‘cause he likes to stay up late, this oven can help him prepare himself some late-night snacks.
So, as you can see, it has become indispensable in my home.
We have a treadmill in our living room, which was bought about a year ago.
It’s actually a gift I gave to my parents, but it has become a piece of equipment that benefits everyone in our family.
As we all know, walking is one of the best all-around activities for improving our health, especially for older people. My parents have been suffering from diabetes/high blood pressure, and the doctor told them walking could alleviate the problem/reduce their blood sugar level. So they used to take a walk after dinner in the neighborhood. But the problem is, it’s pretty rainy during autumn, and the path could be wet and slippery in winter when it snows a lot. I heard one of my neighbors even broke her leg when she slipped on the ice and fell while she was out exercising. I was really concerned about their safety, so I ordered a treadmill online using the lucky money I got last Spring Festival, that way, they could work out whenever they want.
And I never thought I could benefit from it as well. Usually in order to keep fit, I like to go outside and walk off a heavy dinner, but since I bought this machine, I realized I could use the running mode and burn more calories, so you see, it’s a perfect way to lose weight and get in shape.
I’m actually kind of a homebody. Except taking a walk after dinner, I barely got any exercise. However, after running on it for nearly a year, I could clearly feel that my physical condition has improved dramatically. It’s fair to say it has really worked wonders for me. For starters, my immune system gets better, I’m less likely to catch a cold or come down with something. Plus, I’ve lost 10 pounds!
So, this treadmill has been a real helper.
上面的素材挺长,其实完全可以改编成a gift you gave to others, something you do to keep fit或者a positive change,说到后面的就说是自己高血压糖尿病或者overweight,你懂的……
如果你属于享受生活型的孩子,当然可以选择上面说的massage chair或者Jacuzzi. 套路基本相同,先说为啥买,买完之后用起来多爽以至于现在离不开了!有些句子可能用得上:
Massage will help
the pain.
Massage can
relieve tension in my shoulders and back.
A massage will
relax those tense muscles.
The pain can
be soothes away with massage.
Muscular aches and pains can be soothed by a relaxing massage.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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