2016-10-21 09:17
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
九月份的新机经已经出炉,“好消息”保留了下来,something you do after school也留了下来,各位烤鸭有没有想过把这两个话题合二为一处理嘞?
The best news for me in the past several months is that the radio program I established has become the flagship in our station.
Um… Here’s the story:
My partner and I were inspired by a popular program in China, every night the broadcaster would share an article with soft background music, which is soothing and also thought-provoking.
We thought it was a brilliant idea, I mean, it’s something that has never been done in our station, so we thought why not give it a try.
When we were doing the first 2 episodes, we had no experience at all. The program was pretty rough, with no music you know, and my voice sounded abrupt. Back then few people in our school knew our new program, ‘cause we have to admit it was not that pleasant to listen to. We realized we had to make a change, so in the next few episodes, we made some improvements, you see, we added background music, and we carefully chose the pictures on the poster, it’s fair to say the 2.0 version came out. To our surprise, the number of listeners increased dramatically. By the 10th episode, we’d already had 7000 listeners, which means more than one third of the students are listening to our program.
We were thrilled that day, and we officially became the most successful program in our radio station.
I guess the point of doing this is that we get a strong sense of achievement from it, and we are doing our best to take it to a whole new level.
上面的是好消息,如果没让大家说good news,那就直接说活动:
Well, our school has a radio station and I am the broadcaster. My partner and I would host a talk show every weekend, and this program has become the flagship in our station.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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