
Part 1新话题:Chocolate

2016-10-21 09:14


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

Part 1新晋话题解析:Chocolate



很多孩子比较犯难,因为这些话题里的题目,是一般正常人不会思考的,例如how often题型,问我们多久送一次礼,多久吃一次巧克力,多久照一次相,多久去一次艺术馆(简直不考虑家乡没有art gallery孩子的感受)…… 难道我们每次做以上事件都要拿小本儿记下来或者超级有规律的做以上活动么?于是我们在学校学的twice a week或者every other day之类的表达,貌似不好用了啊!(并不是说不准用,而是如果考官问我们多久送一次礼物,我们回答once a month难道不会很怪么……

还有“do you like”的问题,问我们是否喜欢花,是否喜欢戴帽子,是否喜欢背包,是否喜欢吃巧克力,是否喜欢送贵重的礼物给别人…… YesNo倒是好说,但是why就比较难解释了。我们总不能回答flowers are beautifulhats make me more beautifulbags are usefulchocolate is deliciousexpensive gifts make me look cool…… 毕竟考一次雅思,不要跟小学生拼词汇量啊!

说到“词汇量”,Part 1可能还有一种很恶心的题型,很考验我们日常的积累,例如chocolate话题里的What’s your favorite flavor? Flower话题里的what flowers do you like? Bagshats话题里的What types of bags/hats do you like? 是不是突然后悔当年的新概念词汇没有好好背了……


于是,这里建议各位考生,秉承着“少一些套路,多一些真诚”的聊天原则,结合一些平日积累的“地道表达”,打动考官,熬过Part 1.



1. How often do you eat chocolate?


Well, basically every day. I have a sweet tooth, and chocolate is my favorite snack. My mom warned me that I might get fat if I eat too much chocolate, but I just can't help it.


Actually, I’m not big on chocolate or anything sweet. I hardly ever eat it, especially white chocolate, ‘cause it’s so sweet that it hurts my throat.


Well, I used to eat chocolate all the time, but now I have to cut down on it ‘cause my doctor told me it’s bad for my skin, you see, I’ve got pimples on my chin, and chocolate would only make it worse.  



have a sweet tooth = to like food that contains a lot of sugar

cut down on something = to reduce the size, amount or number of something. 例如:

The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking.

We need to cut the article down to 1000 words.


2. What’s your favorite flavor?


dark chocolate = dark brown chocolate with a slightly bitter taste, made without milk being added 黑巧克力

milk chocolate = light brown chocolate made with milk 牛奶巧克力

green tea chocolate 抹茶味巧克力

white chocolate 白巧克力 (不过大家如果查维基百科会看到一句White chocolate is not chocolate in the strict sense. But… whatever!

当然还有裹着一层巧克力的各种零食也行,例如chocolate-coated fruits, cookies or nuts. (这里有很多其他的说法,例如fruits or nuts with a thin coating of chocolate或者cookies thickly coated with chocolate.


texture 口感,比如“纵享丝滑”“入口即化”就可以说The texture is smooth. It feels like it melts in my mouth (to be soft and very good to eat).

Palatable 可口的,这个形容任何吃的都可以,酒都可以。



3. When was the first time you ate chocolate?

“When was the first time you did something”这种题最让人来气!老娘怎么记得!所以就实话实说吧:

Wow, I couldn’t really remember, it must have been a long time ago, I mean, chocolate is kind of a common snack for kids, I believe my parents must have bought it for me when I was little.


4. Is chocolate expensive in China?



Um… That really depends on the brand we are talking about. I mean, those famous brands with superb quality and fascinating packaging can be really costly/pricey. However, the prices of ordinary ones that are available in every supermarket are pretty affordable.


5. Did you like chocolate when you were young?


Yeah, definitely! I was obsessed with chocolate when I was little. My mom didn’t want me to have too much of it ‘cause it gave me decaying teeth. But usually I wouldn’t stop crying until I got my chocolate bar.


6. Why do you like chocolate? Why do you think chocolate is so popular all over the world?

反正这两道题就是让我们夸巧克力,从两方面来说就够了:好吃、有益健康(一般都说dark chocolate有营养,cocoa content越高越好)

不过我只听说过甜食可以给我good mood,其他的功效,我们借助网络工具吧!这里截取改编了一些素材,大家挑喜欢的聊:

There are several proven health benefits of dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate is loaded with nutrients that can positively affect our health.

It’s one of the best sources of antioxidants on the planet so that it has anti-aging effect.

It can Improve health and lower the risk of heart disease.

Dark chocolate may improve blood flow and lower blood pressure.

Dark chocolate may also improve the function of the brain.

Dark chocolate may protect our skin against the sun.





吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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