Creative inventor or musician
2016-10-21 09:10
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
Creative inventor or musician
考中国孩子“creative的XXX”简直是要命啊!我们的创造力或者识别创造力的慧眼早就在小学时候被扼杀了吧…… 不过雅思机经里还频繁出现这种以creative限定的东西让我们来描述,真是令人发指啊!
I’d like to talk about a Japanese inventor called Dr. Nakamats, maybe the pronunciation is not correct but… it’s something like that. Anyway, I knew him from a documentary, and actually he’s quite arrogant. He fancies himself as the perfect combination of Steve Jobs and Leonardo da Vinci. He even claims that he’s greater than Edison. Although he’s such a proud person and not very likeable, we couldn't deny the fact that he’s truly made quite a lot practical and amusing equipment, which has facilitated and enriched our life in modern society, for example, karaoke, a car that runs on water, a wig for self defense, and something like that.
He is a prolific inventor, and he said in his interviews that he’s always inspired by music and he could come up with brilliant ideas while he’s staying underwater, which is quite unusual. He explained that the lack of oxygen to the brain during his dives could encourage creative thinking, so that he could make inventions 0.5 seconds before death, sounds creepy, uh, but it really worked.
Now he has become a celebrity, I mean, he regularly appears on Japanese talk shows in which he would humorously introduce one of his new/recent inventions. I guess he should owe half of his success to his parents, who encouraged him to be an inventor at an early age.
Um… so, that’s all I could remember from that documentary.
除了这种搞笑发明家,还有很正经很造福人类的,例如美国华盛顿大学有两位大学生,发明了一种手套,可以实时将sign language(手语)翻译成文字和语音,这样听障人士就可以沟通无障碍了!新闻里是这样报道的:这双手套上的手指和手腕部分布满了各种电线(wire)和传感器(sensor),聋哑人士在做手语时,运动传感器(motion sensor)能通过检测手腕手指不同的加速度变化,识别出手语单词,再通过手套上的蓝牙装置传送到电脑中他们编写的程序里,用语音同步读出来。如果这套装备发展成熟,那么聋哑人士就有了能跟世界上其他不懂手语的人独立交流的可能!怎么样!很creative吧!
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