

2016-10-21 09:01


作者:吉林新东方 朱博



看了本季度的机经,感觉史上最莫名其妙的话题出炉了!就是这道a creative inventor or musician. Inventor没有创意,叫inventor?音乐家没有创造力,怎么能好意思说自己是混娱乐圈的哇!反正考官就是让我们描述inventor或者musician,咱就突出的说他们“创造力爆棚”这个特点就好了。

说发明家的话,可以聊他都有过哪些“奇葩”的点子,以及他是如何被inspire的,再来俩代表作就行了。不过我们可能对inventor不太了解,除了爱迪生的电灯泡,貌似其他的就要查百科了…… 所以如果平时对“创造界”没有深入研究的娃,还是转战musician话题吧!

这个大家肯定有一大把备选人,我们挑一些比较有特色的聊。比如新西兰歌手罗艺恒,以翻唱(cover)歌曲出名,中英版混唱或者搞个remixed version,或者贼牛的DJ们,David GuettaSkrillex或者Hardwell啥的(这段纯属跟学生现学现卖)。还有突然就火起来的那种无伴奏合唱(A cappella)乐团(看过电影《完美音调》的孩子肯定不陌生),都是超级有创意的啊!



首先我们列一下Jay Chou的各种特色:

1. 吐字不清成为标志性特点

His pronunciation is not that clear when he sings, and sometimes he even just mumbles the lyrics, which makes it really hard for the listeners to understand, however, that has become his iconic feature, and we couldn’t deny the fact that he’s actually got an amazing and recognizable voice.

2. 自己写歌,还给别人写歌

Plus, he’s extremely talented. He’s not just an excellent singer, but also a qualified song writer/composer. The lyrics he wrote are imaginative/inventive, and sometimes childish, but of course in a cute way. He’s got great reputation in the show business. Quite a few singers would beg him to write songs for them.

3. 曲风很广,抒情啦快节奏搞笑都有,而且往往都会加入中国元素

What’s great about him is that he can handle all types of music, I mean, some of his songs are sad and full of emotion, and some have vibrant rhythms with cheerful, catchy melody and hilarious lyrics. And another creative feature of his music is that he always adds a little bit Chinese flavor into his pop songs, which is something that no one has ever done before. 

4. MV很有创意,故事情节引人入胜,自己出演,像微电影一样。

And another thing I have to mention is that all his music videos are creative, unique and well produced. He would star in every MV, and the plot is usually fascinating, just like a microfilm.

5. 开演唱会时候的服装风格很独特(好吧其实我想说的是陈奕迅)。

I’ve been to his concert once, and I have to say, he totally brought the house down. And I still couldn’t forget his costumes on stage, I mean, I hardly ever see any male singer would wear something as bling-bling as his outfit. (这段纯属瞎写,周董的粉丝不要喷我,我没有看过他的演唱会我也不知道他穿啥以上纯属为了考试需要凑字数……


OK,按照上面的思路说,基本上在长度上应该就够了。而且说他还有一个便利之处,就是我们可以顺便把someone you met and want to know more about给一起搞定。思路就是,被朋友拉去看他的演唱会,然后路转粉,然后回家后各种百度Google,了解了一些他的特点,然后深深被他吸引,于是想了解更多,voila




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