

2016-10-21 09:00


作者:吉林新东方 朱博



最近朋友圈总是看到活吃章鱼的小视频,有密集恐惧症(trypophobia)的人简直无法直视!但是头脑极其灵活的孩子灵光一现,把它写进了雅思口语答案(当然还有更残忍的“三吱儿”,就是生吃baby老鼠,如果你够重口味,给考官介绍一下也无妨,不知身经百战的考官会不会惊掉下巴)…… 他可以对应很多话题啊,例如第一次吃的东西,想要吃的一顿特别的饭,或者之前考过的饭店也可以说。我们就以新版机经的两个话题为例,整理一下思路:

首先介绍是如何知道有这么一道菜的,可以是从社交网络(social networking website)上看到,也可以是朋友直接带你去的韩餐馆(Korean restaurant)。然后自然是描写一下你刚开始知道有这么一道菜的内心世界,例如I was completely shocked and disgusted, I was like, why would anybody eat something so gross! The detached arms were moving all over the plate and it was so horrible just to look at, not to mention putting them in the mouth. 这是“内心拒绝”版本。如果是“好奇宝宝”版本,我们可以说I was really curious about this dish, ‘cause I’d never tasted anything alive before. I heard it is really popular in Korea, and only authentic Korean restaurants could bring out the best flavor.

之后就可以说说你第一次吃的经历,或者为什么想吃但还没吃到的原因(可以因为忙,比如I’ve been busy with preparing for my exams,一直没有时间去吃didn’t get around to it),也可以是附近没有地道的韩餐馆,没有机会吃。下面就以“the first time you eat something”的话题为例,分享一段素材:

先来单词扫盲一下:living octopus 活章鱼 sucker 吸盘 foodie 吃货


The other day, I saw a short video clip on the social networking website, in which several of my friends were sitting around the table, eating living octopus. It was actually a quite popular Korean dish. The chef would chop their arms off while it’s still alive. At first I was completely shocked and disgusted, I was like, why would anybody eat something so gross! I mean, the detached arms were moving all over the plate. I couldn’t even bear to look at them. However, my friends told me it was the most palatable dish they had ever tried, the taste was out of this world. As a foodie, I decided to give it a try, completely out of curiosity, although I was still a little scared. I asked my friends to take me to the restaurant they went to last time, and ordered the famous living octopus. To be honest, I still couldn’t look at them, so I just closed my eyes, trying to summon up all of my courage, and put one arm into my mouth. It was quite an experience. I’d never tasted anything so fresh. The texture is a little bit weird, I mean, I could feel the suckers stick to my tongue and mouth while I was chewing, but the meat is really tender and juicy, and smooth, you know.

Actually I wouldn’t say it was the most tempting stuff I’ve ever eaten, but it’s truly worth a try.



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