2016-10-21 08:59
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
在口语机经里,这个属于比较新的话题,也是考生们不是特别熟悉的话题,即使拿中文介绍,貌似也说不了几句。在开始组织答案之前,我们要先弄明白stadium是个啥。露天的那种,也就是我们通常说的体育场,叫stadium,例如工体是Beijing Worker’s Stadium。而平时我们健身的那种室内体育馆,叫gym,正式点叫gymnasium。我们也会见到indoor stadium的说法,这个也是体育馆,例如Shanghai Indoor Stadium。(如果我们查维基百科,会看到有趣的一段话:Shanghai Stadium is close to Shanghai Indoor Stadium. Since the names of the two buildings differ by only a word in both Chinese and in English, many people have confused the two. This has been made worse by the opening of Shanghai Metro Line 4, in which the two are situated at adjacent stops. 两个地方名字差不多还离得那么近,苦了生活在上海的同志们了……)
清楚了这两个概念,我们才能说清楚他们可以用来干啥。Stadium用来举办football match,music concerts,或者贼盛大的opening ceremony(像Olympic Games啥的)。Indoor stadium用来打篮球赛,也可以用来作为电影节开幕式的场馆,没事儿名人也可以来做个speech。
There’s a City Stadium in my hometown that was first built decades ago but was renovated last year. The concrete structure was strengthened, a new rotating display screen and energy-saving devices were installed. The stadium is the first multi-purpose/functional one in my hometown, and it has a maximum seating capacity of over… well, if I remember right, XX,XXX(看情况说吧,别太夸张就好), including seats for wheelchair users. Now it has become the main sports venue of my hometown.
This stadium is located in the city center, so the transport is super convenient, several bus stations are all close at hand.
To be honest, it has become the pride of the town, ‘cause we had never had such a decent stadium before. No singers had come to my city to hold their concerts, no major sports events had ever taken place here ‘cause there was no place for them. But now things are different. In the past one year, several major celebrations have been held in that stadium, and it has seen a couple of fantastic concerts and thrilling football games. They are not A-list singers or national level sporting events, but it still means something.
People’s spare-time activity has been enriched since it was built. The stadium is open to the public for free, so every day we could see quite a lot people hanging out in the stadium, doing sports like running, jogging, Tai-chi or things like that. And the neighborhood has become a magnet for dog-walkers. There’s a huge lawn outside the stadium, which makes it a heaven for dogs. For me, I like to sit on the bench, doing some light reading, or just watching the world go by. (= to relax and watch people in a public place)
So, you see, this stadium means a lot to our city.
It’s a multi-purpose/functional stadium.
It’s mostly used for football matches.
It’s the main sports venue of my hometown.
The stadium is the main venue for the XXX, where the opening and closing ceremonies were held.
It hosted the football quarter-finals and semi-finals.
It was the host for XX.
It was also the venue/location for the Opening Ceremony of the XXX.
The stadium is used for sports competition, cultural and entertaining purposes, and serves as a multi-functional exercise center for local residents.
The stadium was first built in at a cost of XXX RMB.
It was first built XX and was renovated XXX.
It has a capacity of XXX people and covers a land area of XXX square meters.
It seats almost XXX.
It holds XXX people.
It has a maximum seating capacity of XXX, including XX seats for wheelchair users.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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