

2016-10-21 08:57


作者:吉林新东方 朱博



去厦门玩耍,一定会被推荐吃传说中的沙茶面!其中最有名的一家店,应该叫做“乌糖沙茶面”,在网络上被称为最拽沙茶面,只有上午做生意,下午就打烊。其实这也是为了保证食材的鲜美,这家店从来都用新鲜不冰冻的食材,料卖完就打烊,而且很愁人的是,为了保持食物的品质,老板坚持不开分店也不做加盟…… 于是想吃到这一碗地道的沙茶面,就只能自己去厦门跑一趟了!于是我们可以利用这家店的特色,把它搞进“想吃的一顿special meal,或者第一次吃某物”的话题!一个是吃过,一个是没吃过想吃,但是基本的信息都差不多,也就是介绍一下沙茶面这家店,然后说说味道服务什么的,然后表达一下吃完了还想再去吃的急迫心情就行了。没去过的话,那么有关味道方面的描述,就都是从别人那里听到的,最后说说无比好奇极其想要吃就可以了!

下面以一位将要去厦门玩耍的孩子的视角,来说说一顿想要吃的special meal


I’ve always wanted to try the Sha Cha noodle in Xiamen, which is a coastal city in the south of China. I first heard about this noodle from my classmate who just went back from his trip to that place. He told me it’s kind of a local specialty, and the flavor is so much different from ours. You know, in the northeast of China, we prefer something hot and salty, something with strong flavors, but in the south, dishes tend to be mild, with a delicate taste. I used to think we could never adapt to the food cooked in that way, but my classmate highly recommended it. He said that meal was out of this world. He still couldn’t forget the taste and texture of the noodle. I was told, if I have the chance to visit Xiamen, I have to check it out.

So when I got back home, I started to search for that restaurant online. It turned out there are several places where I could try that noodle, however, there’s one that’s got the most positive feedback. And it doesn’t have any advertisement or fancy publicity. Its popularity was totally spread by word of mouth.

And about the opening hour. This restaurant only opens Monday to Friday, from 6 to 11 a.m. And if you don’t have a reservation, you have to wait in long lines. And there are people driving all the way from neighboring cities, only to have a taste of this noodle. 

I am so curious about it, and I can’t wait to try this special meal.




吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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