

2016-09-09 11:10


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

我们出去跟团玩耍,肯定有被坑的经历对不对!为了节约成本,肯定我们都要乘坐红眼航班(red-eye flight = a flight in a plane at night, on which you cannot get enough sleep),或者起个大早赶飞机。所以,经历过如此折磨的娃们,赶紧把自己的苦逼经历讲给考官吧!



I’d like to talk about the time when I had to get up extremely early to catch the flight.

That happened in last summer vacation when my family took a trip to Qingdao which is a coastal city in the north of China.

What we had was a package tour, in order to save on fares, the travel agency bought us an early flight near 5 a.m. And the guide told us to get to the airport no later than 4 a.m.

I set the alarm clock for 2:30 a.m. And just to make sure I wouldn’t sleep it through, I set several of them, I mean, at 2:35,2:40, you know, something like that.

And that morning, surprisingly I managed to drag myself out of bed without the help of my mom. You can imagine how hard it was for me.

I finished freshening up in just 10 minutes. And we rushed downstairs, got in the car, and drove to the airport. We got there way ahead of schedule, so my mom suggested that we could have some breakfast, but I had no appetite at all, because I had never got up that early. My mom ordered some noodles, but they were tasteless, and outrageously expensive.

It was the most awful travel experience I’ve ever had, so from then on, I never traveled with any agency ever again.



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