

2016-09-09 11:08


作者:吉林新东方 朱博


咦?等等?健康?烤鸭们的职业操守就是对话题的敏感度啊!是不是又可以搞进答案里了!完美套用something you do to keep fitan article you read是不是!原来为了保持健康需要做的就这么简单啊!坐久了起来走两步就可以了!不过两分钟的答案要怎么搞呢?当然要墨迹一下啦,久坐的危害那么多,随便挑两条讲讲,自己之前因为久坐受到的伤害,拿出来说说。要是article的话,就多客观的聊聊这些hidden risks,整几条科学道理,就行了。(不过这里大家不要blind the examiner with science,就是不要confuse him or her by using technical or complicated language that they don’t understand,因为毕竟一聊到健康,就可能涉及到一些“专业术语”,这里不太建议大家讲很多太过于专业的东西,第一难为自己,第二考官可能听糊涂,对谁都不好嘛。)


Well, the thing I do to keep fit is fairly simple, just stand up and do some stretches after staying seated for a while. I know that might sound a little strange to you, ‘cause sitting in a chair should be comfortable and relaxing, right? But the truth is, our body is built for motion, not for stillness, and I know first hand how inactivity can damage our health. I mean, as a student, especially a Chinese student, I have to sit by the desk for most of the day, and my back always hurt, and once in a while, I would feel the numbness in my legs, especially before the finals when I had to cram for exams.

Later I read an article about the hidden risks of sitting, and that’s when I realized what seems like such a harmless habit actually has the power to change our health.

If we sit with a curved back and slumped shoulders, it would put uneven pressure on our spine, which explains the pain I felt in my back. And being stationary reduces blood flow and the amount of oxygen filtered into our blood. Our brain requires oxygen to remain alert, so that’s why those kids who study all day in the room might not necessarily have a good academic performance, ‘cause their concentration levels and efficiency could be really low.

And the worst part is, the ill effects of being seated don’t only exist in the short term. Studies have found that sitting for long periods is linked with some types of cancers and heart disease, and could cause weight gain and premature death.

So I did what the article suggested, treat my body to a walk every hour, and I’m sure it will thank me later.


这里大家可以注意一下词汇的替换,因为对于本篇素材,需要多次提到“静坐”这样的概念,所以总是使用sit貌似不是很好的选择,于是我们轮换着使用了staying seatedstillnessinactivitybeing stationarysitting for long periods……



吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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