
那些年我们玩儿过的Barbie doll

2016-09-09 10:58


作者:吉林新东方 朱博


童年时期你玩儿过的toy还都记得么?每天晚上必须抱着才能睡着的soft toy现在哪里去了你还知道么?当年因为一部动画买的action figure,现在躺在哪个角落布满灰尘呢?小时候拿在手里跟玩伴炫耀的四驱车,四个轮子还都健在么?还记得当年play house时候各种道具嘛?或者成天到处踢的皮球,现在还在地下室嘛?如果一下子想不起来你的童年玩具,不妨翻翻你的album,里面肯定有你跟心爱玩具的合影哦!(咦?对机经话题很敏感的孩子们是不是想到了可以把picture这个话题和childhood toy合起来呢!感兴趣的同志们可以尝试一下)

之前跟大家分享过男孩子喜欢玩的toy gun,那么今天再来搞一个大部分女孩子可能喜欢的Barbie doll


My favorite toy in my childhood was a Barbie doll I got from my dad as my… well if I remember right, my 8th birthday gift.

When I was little, my favorite cartoon character was Barbie, you know, with all those fancy dresses and drop-dead handsome boyfriend. And I always dreamed of becoming someone like her. My mom used to dress me up as a doll as well. Before I attended primary school, every time we went shopping, there would be one more Barbie dress in my closet.

But I never had a Barbie doll to play with. So you can imagine how badly I wanted it.

My dream came true on my 8th birthday. That day my dad was on business trip in HK, I didn’t think he would make it to my birthday party. But he gave me a huge surprise by showing up in the middle of the party with a pink box in his hands. I was thrilled to see him, and I was overwhelmed when I opened the box and saw a gorgeous Barbie doll lying in it.

From that day on, she became my best company when I was alone. I would talk to her whenever I was feeling low. And I was really into making fancy clothing for her in my spare time. Whenever I got a play date, I would show her off to my friends, who would be quite jealous of me.

Now that I grow older, I hardly ever play with her any more, but just like I said, we had lots of sweet memories together, which makes her a reminder of my happy and carefree childhood, so she still means a lot to me.


总之,无论说啥,都可以按照这个套路来墨迹两分钟。刚开始表达喜爱之情,后来梦想成真得到礼物,描述一下与之共度的美好时光,再说说现在toy的去处和对我们的意义,搞定啦!所以大家可以说各种玩偶(比如海绵宝宝SpongeBob,泰迪熊Teddy bear,如果实在想说喜洋洋灰太狼我也不能拦着你……)。





吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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