

2016-09-09 10:57


作者:吉林新东方 朱博


在雅思口语话题里,旅游素材真是能cover一大票话题啊!关于vacation destination,大家的选择各有不同。因为机经里有一道骨灰级别的话题:a place near water,在机经里进进出出,所以很多孩子会把目的地定在海边,不过,说不定哪天这道题又在机经里消失了,那么同志们就可以自由发挥了!


有历史古迹的地方,一直很受欢迎,比如西安啦,北京啦什么的,不是曾经有一道题是让我们说historic building么,可以凑吧凑吧搞一起。

“购物天堂”也是现代旅行者的首选,比如Hong Kong啦,Japan啦之类的。描写一下metropolis的繁华和喧嚣,和各种娱乐方式,估计两分钟不够说。


看多了美剧的孩子们,有没有发现他们还很喜欢去一个地方玩耍呢?没错,就是Las Vegas哇!吃的好住得好还可以赌钱,办个单身聚会结个婚什么的这里最方便了!不过我们也有哇!我们有澳门哇!于是跟考官high起来吧!


I remember 3 years ago, I went to Macao with my parents. I have to say, that was an awesome experience and such an eye opener. The streets were packed with hotels and restaurants. And almost in every hotel, there was a casino, just like what I saw in movies.

Well, in China, Macao is well known for its casinos and other entertainment facilities, just like Las Vegas in America. People spend their vacation there to have a blast and max out their credit card. It’s a paradise for people who wanna get away from the daily routines and release their pressure. And also, it’s a perfect place to throw a bachelor party and say goodbye to your single life, you know, to have one last wild night.

Anyway, I always wanted to visit Macao to see what it really looks like, so that trip was like a dream come true for me. We stayed in a hotel called Venice, where there was a huge shopping mall, and it was really special, so different from the ones I’ve seen before. They painted the ceiling like the real sky and the interior design was just like a pedestrian street outside. And they have an underground casino, but back then, I was under age, so I was not allowed to get in. I always wondered what it might look like.

This trip gave me an opportunity to experience a whole different world, you know, to make me realize that there’s a bigger world out there with an amazing culture and history. So it was quite unforgettable.


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