

2016-09-09 10:54


作者:吉林新东方 朱博


我们长这么大,经历的positive change应该会有很多,无论是性格上的,还是行动上的。例如为了心仪的女孩儿发愤图强,为了实现出国梦想披星戴月,为了融入集体让自己的性格变得更加合群,为了适应出国生活变得更加独立,为了身体健康改掉了挑食的坏毛病,the list goes on and on……



The most positive change for me so far is that I lost 40 pounds. And I have to say, I benefit a lot from this change.

I wasn’t always like this, I used to be a lot bigger and I was not as flexible/agile as I am now. Doing sports is like a torture for me, I mean, if I kept running or climbing too many stairs, I just couldn't catch my breath. And I would sweat a lot all year around, no matter it is winter or summer.

And because of my appearance, I felt like that I was invisible at school. No girls would pay attention to me, and I don’t blame them, I mean, who would be attracted to someone who weighs over 180 pounds?!?

So I made up my mind to make a change. I got myself a gym membership card, and hired a personal trainer. He made me a workout plan and he required/commanded me to stick to it. At the same time, I went on a very strict diet. I even said goodbye to my favorite chocolate and donuts, things I couldn’t live without in the past.

After half a year, I become what I am now. And I magically, everything turns out better for me. For starters, my physical condition got way better, I mean, I could feel that I’m stronger and muscular. And I stopped feeling drowsy during class. The best part is, I found myself a girlfriend whom I met in the gym.

Now, I really have a sense of achievement every time I talk about this, so that’s the positive change I wanna share with you.



I’m the kind of person who couldn’t live without sugars and candies, so giving up eating or even cutting down on them would become a torture for me. But since I’d made up my mind to lose weight, I had to stick to my plan and say goodbye to “my love”.



吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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