

2016-09-09 10:49


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

“助人为乐”这个话题在雅思口语里很常见,机经里出现过a time you helped others, a stranger who helped you, a time you helped your neighbor. 不知道以后考官还想让我们帮谁…… Anyway, 这种烂俗的小学生作文体的事件类话题,如果单独准备,简直是浪费精力体力啊!于是每次它出现在机经里,我们都可以先寻找一下,有没有可以合并的话题!比如最新的机经里,有一道the first time you communicate with a foreigner,是不是可以一起说呀!就说帮助歪果仁就行了呗!还有一个话题是要说自己的good personality,嗯,简直完美扣题啊!



Well, my friends always think of me as a helpful and warm-hearted person. I’m always willing to help others. Maybe that character runs in my family, I mean, my parents are both the kind of people who are compassionate and well-liked by our neighbors and their coworkers.

I remember once, I ran into an International student on campus, he was new here and he got completely lost. To be honest, that was the first time I truly communicated with a foreigner, I mean, I had foreign teachers before, but it was all just asking and answering questions in class.

He came up to me and asked whether I knew where the teachers’ office was, I tried to give him directions, but he seemed more confused. So I decided to walk him there, although I would be going in the opposite direction. He was elated and grateful.

On our way there, we talked a lot. He told me, he’s from the UK. Actually, I could tell that from the beginning because of his sexy accent. He told me how much he loves China and Chinese culture, you know, something like that.

He even invited me to a party before we said goodbye.

I felt really good from that experience, ‘cause before that, I was not that confident with my English, but I realized that I was actually pretty good. And I was glad that I could be of some help.




I’d like to talk about a time when I helped out a foreigner.

It was last summer vacation, I was on my way to a neighboring city, and I noticed a foreigner in the waiting hall who seemed a little confused and worried. I hesitated for a while about whether I should help him or not, ‘cause back then, I was not that confident with my English, and it would be my first time to talk to a foreigner. He tried to ask for help, but no one seemed to understand him. So I summoned up my courage and went up to him, asking “Excuse me, is there anything I could do for you?” He was thrilled. It was like he saw a lifesaver. He explained to me that, he couldn’t read Chinese, so he was not sure which train to take. I took a look at his ticket, and I was glad to find out that we were supposed to be on the same train. So I said to him, just follow me, we were in the same direction. I showed him my ticket, and he was relieved.

On our way, he told me that he got up late that day and missed his flight, and he had to wait for hours for the next flight, so he just took the train instead. But he knew nothing about Chinese, so he felt so lucky to run into me.

I was also really happy to help him. And the most important thing is, I realized that my English proficiency is much better than I thought.





吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



  • 考研资讯
  • 四六级资讯
  • 雅思资讯
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