

2016-09-09 10:43


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

    这道物品类的话题,还可以用我们的老套路---电子产品搞定。不过大家如果觉得手机电脑ipad太俗气了,完全可以换一换嘛,之前我们还介绍过Lily CameraHololens,不过如果各位感觉这些东东太陌生,或者会有太多不熟悉的单词出现导致流利度下降,那么我们就选一个接地气儿的吧!


    其实我们国内的公司也有相关产品哦!小米公司的小米手环经济又实惠!比起Fitbit 99刀的价格,小米手环2149人民币真是亲民接地气啊!所以,这就成了我们口语的绝好素材哇!这么一款经济实惠又能促进健康的产品,买来了必然满意对不对!


I’d like to talk about an electronic device called Mi Band which is like a Fitbit that can keep track of how many steps I take each day.

Actually it was my friend who recommended this stuff to me. She is trying to lose weight lately, but she’s not that kind of person who likes to go to the gym and work out. So taking a walk after dinner would be more feasible for her. And she bought a Mi Band to record how many miles she has walked by the end of the day, which gives her a sense of achievement, you know, just to encourage herself to keep walking.

So I ordered one from the Internet, it’s like a bracelet that you can wear on either hand or ankle. It is beautifully and carefully packaged, I just put it around my wrist the minute I got it. I have to say, it’s super user-friendly, I mean, even my grandma knows how to use it. And the best part is, this product is water resistant, so I don’t have to worry that it might break down when I wash my hands or take a shower. And another thing I like about it is that the price is reasonable, it only cost me 149 RMB, and it’s totally worth the money, you know, It’s so hard to find something of such excellent value these days, right? And besides being a responsible fitness tracker, it can also serve as an alarm clock. Every morning it gives out a vibrate alert to wake me up. And um… Oh, and also, the battery is durable. It can keep working for 30 days once I charge it.

So you see, it’s a real helper when I try to keep fit and stay in shape. That’s why I’m pleased with this product.


上面的素材,修改一下也可以作为something you do to keep fit的答案,就是“饭后百步走,活到九十九”呗,只不过加上了科技的元素,让walking变得更fancy了而已。其实这里要坦白一下,我根本没有买过小米手环也没有用过,所以这里不是给小米做广告哇!如果这个产品不好用的话,大家不要打我啊…… 一切为了考试,你懂的,为了考试……


吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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