

2016-06-30 13:28


作者:吉林新东方 朱博






I’d like to talk about the time when I had to get up early to watch the sunrise. That was during last summer vacation, my family went on a trip to XX(任何的海边都OK,中国的外国的都可以,不过如果提及是国内的海边,最好再来个定语从句说明一下是哪里的coastal city,这样考官就会有个大致的概念,毕竟会有一些孤落寡闻的考官不知道大连青岛厦门三亚的嘛). When I arrived there, I was told the sunrise by the seaside is splendid, which is something beyond imagination. I’ve always had a great affection for nature and stuff, so I decided to watch the sunrise the next morning. But the tricky part was, they also told me I would miss the sunrise if I get up later than 3 a.m. So that night, I set 4 alarm clocks, just in case I slept through any one of them.

The next morning, after struggling for about 10 minutes, I managed to drag myself out of the bed. It only took me 5 minutes to freshen myself up, and then, we just rushed to the beach and we were just in time for it.

It was pretty dark at first, but after a few minutes, the horizon became reddish, because of the beams of sunlight. We waited excitedly, and soon, the whole sky was bright. We could see that half of the sun was out. And just in the blink of an eye, the whole sun jumped out of the horizon, and the sea started to shimmer in the sunlight. I’ve never seen anything like this before.

That was like a once-in-a-life-time experience for me, I mean, I don’t usually get the change to visit a coastal city, and even if I do, I might not be lucky enough like that time to see the sunrise during my stay, ‘cause something unexpected might happen, like bad weather or change of plans.

So that was quite memorable, although I felt drowsy for the rest of the day, it was well worth it.  


其实上面对海上日出的描述,全是想象,因为我真的没有看过海上日出哇,那么早爬起来简直就是mission impossible啊!不过完全不影响考试时候的发挥嘛对不对!网络上海上日出的图片随手一搜到处都是。所以还是那句话,先把自己骗到,考官自然就信了。其实话说回来,考官根本不care咱们到底讲的是真是假,日出的素材肯定他也是不止一次听到,我们把景象描述的尽可能具体真切,搞得仿佛考官甚至都能在脑海里画出那个画面,那么我们就赢啦!


吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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