2016-06-30 13:25
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
在说到a big company you are interested in的话题时,众多“资深”烤鸭应该会瞬间想到“一个家族产业”,这个在机经里消失了很久的题目,好像穿了身马甲,又浮出水面了!(听不懂这个梗的孩子说明你还年轻,啊哈哈)我们可供选择的公司很多啊,大多数娃首先会说Apple Company, 或者Google,或者马云同志的阿里巴巴(大家请注意,有考生回忆在口试时谈到“淘宝”被考官打断,所以为了安全起见还是不要讲淘宝啦),当然都是因为大家熟悉他们的产品,从而对之感兴趣。还有一些“发烧友”,一谈到这个话题,简直打都打不住,比如爱车一族会谈特斯拉(Tesla Motors),科技迷可能喜欢聊微软(Microsoft)等等。
I’d like to talk about a family business established by a strong and powerful Chinese woman, who’s now the owner of Laoganma Special Flavor Foodstuffs Company. I’m interested in this company mostly because of her life story. She started her career selling spicy sauce, back then, she didn’t own a shop, not even a stand, so she went from door to door asking people if they needed spicy sauce, no matter how terrible the weather was. At first, no one would buy it, because people thought it was weird buying sauce this way, and some people even assumed that she was a beggar. However, with her perseverance and hard work, some people finally decided to try her sauce, and it turned out to be out of this world. Her homemade sauce became a hit in the neighborhood, and her business became bigger and bigger, and one day a businessman came to her, offering to buy her special recipe with a huge amount of money, but she turned it down, ‘cause she has bigger dreams, that is, to open her own company. And actually, the rest is history. We all know that she made it. She’s not fighting alone anymore. Today, there are more than 3000 employees working for her.
Now her product is sold in over 30 countries, and a variety of flavors are produced, such as oil chili, hot and spicy, beef soybean and flavored chili chicken.
Because of her remarkable achievement, she once got on the cover of the magazine Women of China. Now that she’s getting old, her son has taken over the business and brought it to a whole new level.
I have to say, her sauce is my favorite flavoring, and some Chinese even couldn’t finish a meal without it. That’s also a reason as to why I have a great affection for this company.
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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