
[口语学习]吉林新东方朱博—高二高三党的good news

2016-06-30 13:20


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

高二高三党的good news


A piece of good news you received”,是不是又让各位烤鸭陷入了沉思。对于学生党的好消息,无非是考试成绩名列前茅,假期要去梦寐以求的vacation destination 玩耍(比如前几天开的上海迪士尼,不过看过新闻之后,你是不是犹豫了……),追了好久的女孩儿终于答应跟你谈恋爱了(The girl you have a huge crush on finally said yes to you.)各种课外活动取得佳绩(比如各种体育比赛,才艺表演,演讲比赛,辩论赛,学生会选举,等等),或者被心仪的学校录取(比如高中被省重点高中录取啦什么的,说大学就说已经拿到了conditional offer,所以你在继续考雅思把这个conditional变成unconditional!)不过下面的这个真实的故事,我想一定不是个例,是很多中国考生都会面临的问题,所以我们来share一下:


The best news for me up till now is that my parents finally stopped forcing me to take the college entrance examination, so that I could focus on the preparation for the IELTS test.

Well actually that’s a long story, and I’ll try to make it short.

Um… my parents are the kind of people who are like perfectionists, and I’ve always been taught that I need to do everything well, which is pretty stressful you know. But growing up in a typical Chinese family, I don’t have too much right to decide my future or the way I am taught, except for my decision of studying abroad, they are quite supportive and open-minded about this, actually.

But the thing is, although they both agree that I would attend a university in a foreign country, they still wanted me to take the college entrance examination, despite the fact that I won’t need the score of that exam at all. And their explanation is, that experience is valuable for every student in China, I’ve been studying for almost 12 years, if I don’t take the exam, then it would feel like I am missing out on something important. Besides, they argued that what I learned in high school is also useful after I go off to college.

So you see, for about half a year, every day after school, I had to finish my homework my teachers assigned, and then I needed to stay up late until midnight to prepare for the IELTS test, which, without doubt, made me exhausted not only physically but also mentally.

So I had a heart-to-heart conversation with my dad, telling him what I truly felt and how stressed out I was, and he realized that I just couldn’t take it physically, because during that time, I always got sick.

So after serious consideration, my parents finally gave up, which was really good news for me.




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