

2016-06-30 13:19


作者:吉林新东方 朱博



每所高中或者大学,都会定期举办“体育赛事”,篮球足球排球肯定大家都见过。为了使自己的描述听起来更真实,我们可以在答案里加入一些“细节”,来凸显出我们真的是有经历过!当然,“见题说话”,不同的话题卡,是要有不同的侧重点的。如果考官让我们说“something you do to keep fit”,那么我们就把重点放在平时如何practice上面,于是久而久之,身体变得fit;如果我们被考到“extracurricular activity”,那么就重点介绍活动和自己的参与情况。


In our Sino-Canadian program, there is a field hockey competition every winter, like a tradition, called the Penney Cup, which is named after our PE teacher. It is not the Penny from the Big Bang Theory, of course, it has an extra e between n and y, a male’s name. Anyway, I dreamed to take part in this Penney Cup someday, and in the second semester of my junior year, I finally got the chance. Our school has a weird age limit for the match; no one under the age of 16 is allowed to play. I started school earlier than my peers, so I had to be the audience while my classmates were playing on the field.

So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I finally got to play, by the way, I was the defense. Um, the games were really exciting, because any thing could happen. For instance, once, a member from the other team stirred up the ball extremely high and it came directly to our goal. I just raised my stick and stopped the ball. Id never done something like that before, which was like a miracle, you know. All my team members started to cheer for me. It just felt awesome. I didnt get Defense of the Year, but I was still elated at this.

And actually, I also benefit a lot from this sport, I mean, physically. I used to be skinny and weak, but after I started to practice, my physical condition is getting much better. And my academic performance improved as well, because now I have enough energy to stay focused while Im studying.



吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



  • 考研资讯
  • 四六级资讯
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