2016-06-30 13:18
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
Extracurricular activity之“校园歌手大赛”
相信每位大学生都看过“校园十佳歌手”的宣传海报是不是!高中生也经历过传说中的艺术节之类的东东对不?别管自己有没有真正参加,就说自己在台上唱过!虽然可能连在台下欢呼扮花痴都没有过…… 不过还是那句话,考官不care!
那么这个过程就是你想怎么说就怎么说了!可以按照一般明星的出道历程,说自己是陪朋友海选的,结果自己进了决赛(final)朋友被淘汰(got eliminated)了。或者说自己虽然天资不够但是后天勤学苦练,最终取得理想成绩。好了编不下去了,剩下的剧情(plot)太烂俗(cheesy)了…… 不多说,直接看素材吧:
I’d like to talk about the singing contest I took part in when I was a freshman. It was the first semester of my freshman year, and I was curious about everything happening on campus. I’ve always been passionate about music, and I one day, I happened to see a poster about a singing contest, which was an annul event held by the university, and every student was encouraged and welcome to take part in it. I told myself, I had to do it, ‘cause I was pretty confident about my talent, and it would be really nice if I could become a “star” on campus. So, without second thought, I signed up for it.
But after the open audition, I was quite nervous, although I made it to the second round. I saw that every contestant was pretty awesome, so the competition would be fierce. My friend realized my anxiety, so he suggested that I go to karaoke club to practice my song. And he tried to comfort me before I got on stage to perform, in case that I would have stage fright.
Although my heart was in my mouth, I did a good job on stage. I was really satisfied with my performance, and the judges felt the same way. I didn’t get the first place, obviously, ‘cause I wasn’t THAT good. In the end, I became one of the top 10 singers in my university that year, among whom, I was the only freshman.
That was a memorable experience, now I’m a senior, but whenever I look back, it feels like it just happened yesterday.
无论是高中生还是大学生,都可以说这些课外活动丰富了我们的生活(spice life up = add interest or excitement to our life),然后让我们意识到there’s more to life than taking classes and exams. 或者这些活动帮助我们成为有着健全人格(fully developed personality)的多才多艺的人(well rounded person)。好吧,如果大家还想抨击一下中国的教育制度是应试教育(test-oriented),我也拦不住你,不过注意别太high了以至于跑题了呀。
吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn)
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