雅思口语Part 2的备考原则,就是要“一石多鸟”,我们来看看最新的人物类话题哦,一直觉得creative person、leader和old person you admire说的是一道题有没有!为了备考的便捷性,我们所幸就让他们是一道题!所以我们来看看什么素材比较合适。什么人能够同时满足这三点呢?秦始皇是不是可以呀!Steve Jobs乔帮主也可以呀!我们万能淘宝的创始人马云先生是不是也可以呀!不过建议大家绕过需要专业术语的地方,挑好说的讲,下面三段素材,大家可以考虑参考一下:
I’d like to talk about Yingzheng who’s the first emperor of Qin Dynasty. He’s the one who conquered all the other Warring States and unified all of China more than 2000 years ago. He’s always been my idol because of his superb leadership skills and creativity. First of all, the title “emperor” was his invention. And after he established Qin Dynasty, he built the Great Wall to defend his country against enemies, which has become a human wonder in the world. And according to our history textbook, he invented a new road system, as well as the unification of measurement. In ancient China, people in different states used various characters and languages, and they even don’t have the same measurement, which made the communication between states unbearably inconvenient. During his reign, he standardized the Chinese units of measurements like weights and measures, the currency and the length of the carts, so that vehicles can run conveniently on the new road system. As a leader, he’s also decisive and forward-looking. He’s the first leader in the Warring States Period who performed far-reaching reforms. And he attached great importance to the law, so people in his country could be more civilized and educated.
I’d like to talk about Steve Jobs who was the co-founder of Apple Company. Actually, I have never read his biography or watched movies about him. I knew his life story from a speech he gave in a graduation ceremony. You know in America, celebrities are always invited to address the graduating class, to say something encouraging and inspiring. Well, anyway, I was shocked by the fact that he didn’t even finish college, I mean, what he did is incredible for a dropout. I believe that’s all because of his creative thinking and leadership skills/management skills. Just like his advertising slogan “think different”, he always managed to think out of the box. We can see that from his products. The Apple products have been customers’ favorite brand since the day they were put on the market. People, especially younger generation, are crazy about the modern design and state-of-the-art operating system. He had his ups and downs during his career, and he even left Apple once. But after leaving the company, he did something that once again blew our mind. He took a few members with him to found another company, the one that deals with the most advanced technology. I guess he just had this incredible personal charisma that made everyone supportive of him. I’m sure if I read his biography, I would get to know him better and become more respectful of him.
I’d like to talk about Jack Ma who’s the founder and chairman of Alibaba Group, and if I remember right, he’s over 50 years old. He said in one of his speech that 15 years ago, he had a dream that someday his group can build up a company that can serve millions of small business. And today, 15 years later, he made it.
Back then, the Internet was not very developed in China, but he was forward-looking and creative, he predicted that in the future, the Internet would make a huge difference in people’s lives, which couldn’t be more true. He changed commerce in China. Almost everyone here is using his online shopping websites. Right now Taobao has become a household name in China, and not long ago, his company just went public, and they are ready for the world to know them.
In the past, we can only shop in physical stores, but now we can shop online whenever and wherever we want, which brings great convenience to our daily life.
During his career, he has met great obstacles that we ordinary people couldn’t imagine, but he’s gritty / he’s not a quitter. He never gave up, no matter what difficulties he came across on the way. And he’s fighting alone. He’s got a whole team supporting him because of his great personal charisma and management skills. I believe that’s what an excellent leader needs to have.
Jack Ma is my role model and he influenced me a lot. I know it’s a little unrealistic, but I hope one day I could become someone like him.