

2016-06-17 11:11


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

吉林新东方 朱博




有关这个animal话题,很多孩子觉得超级简单!因为简直就是小学的语文作文啊!最早的看图说话不就是小猫小狗小狮子么,就连咱们最早接触的英文单词里,就有一大部分是动物吧!甚至在我们还没去过动物园见到活体犀牛的时候,小孩子们就已经会说rhino了!不过毕竟距离幼儿园英文太久了,很多单词都不记得了,而且大家要是觉得什么cat啦dog啦太ordinary,确实得提前查查字典补充一下动物词汇呢!咱们挑几个好说的练练手哈!比如去水族馆(aquarium)看乌龟(turtle),去海洋公园(ocean park)看海豚表演(dolphin show),去宠物商店(pet store)看到各种萌物,像龙猫啦(chinchilla,它也叫南美洲栗鼠)、仓鼠啦(hamster)、兔子啦(rabbit)什么的;去zoo看各种有趣的动物,例如孔雀(peacock)、长颈鹿(giraffe)、猴子(money)等等,还可以在travel的时候看到有趣的动物啊!比如澳大利亚的袋鼠(kangaroo)、考拉(koala bear)什么的,要是大家去过非洲,那就可以说一个动物世界了…… 总之,interesting animal话题大家肯定不缺素材,关键是有些动物身上的部件我们可能由于不常用,所以不熟练,下面列出几个常用的部位,以备不时之需:
鸟嘴beak;鸟的羽毛feather;翅膀wings;尾巴tail;皮毛fur;爪子paw(the foot of an animal that has claws or nails);指甲claw(one of the sharp curved nails on the end of an animal’s or a bird’s foot,另外螃蟹的钳子也叫这个);象鼻trunk;袋鼠的育儿袋pouch;小仓鼠的大腮帮子large cheeks……
以下这个素材,去过四川的孩子们可以用起来,我们来说说“小熊猫”(red panda),这里不聊大熊猫的原因是,虽然国宝很萌,但是考官估计听到panda的时候就已经无聊致死了吧…… 所以我们来说说萌萌的小熊猫吧:

I’d like to talk about the red panda, which is an endangered species in China, although it also has “panda” in its name, it’s actually unrelated to the giant panda, which is, you know, our national treasure. So it looks nothing like a panda that has black and white fur with distinctive black patches around its eyes. Red panda is much smaller in size, with fluffy reddish-brown fur and a long thick tail, which looks so much like a raccoon. 
I first saw them when I was travelling in Chengdu which is in the south of China and also home to pandas. I visited the panda nature reserve, which is really popular and paying a visit to those adorable pandas is like on top of all tourists’ must-do list. 
The red pandas there are not kept in cages. They just live happily in the natural environment where they can wander around and do whatever they like. When I was in the reserve, it was like playing hide-and-seek with the red pandas. If you are lucky, then you can come cross many of them. The manager didn’t allow us to feed red pandas, but they were really smart and naughty, here’s the interesting part, when I was taking pictures of them, and just put my bag on the ground, and one of them sneaked up on my bag and stole a slice of my bread! After that, it just ran away in a clumsy way, which was so hilarious. 
We really had a good time together, and whenever I see the pictures I took of them, I would think of those lovely red pandas.


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