

2016-06-17 11:08


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

吉林新东方 朱博





看到这个题目,很多烤鸭头脑里想到的是“第一位吃螃蟹的人”…… 其实这个思路很好啊,由于“螃蟹”曾经不是common food,所以第一次吃才有故事可写,于是应对这道题目的思路,大家可以暂时抛弃说“第一次苹果”之类的思路啦,因为首先,你不可能记得你第一次吃苹果的经历(你说你记得第一次吃榴莲durian的经历我倒是信),其次,苹果有什么可说的啊(没有歧视苹果的意思苹果很好吃很好吃!)…… 除非你说你第一次吃自己制作的苹果奶昔(home-made apple milkshake/smoothie),或许还能聊个两分钟。所以大家可以回忆一下,哪种食物比较有特色(超难吃或者巨好吃),让大家第一次吃过之后就印象深刻,被impress到了。这里有一些思路,看看是不是大家的菜哦,比如吃蛇肉(grilled snake什么的)还有吃各种insects/bugs(比如spiders,scorpion蝎子以及小吃摊铺上的各种看都不敢看的虫子们),说到这里大家是不是想到了食物链顶端的贝爷,所以去看几集他的节目,说不定会找到一些灵感。实在不想说这么有挑战的食物,那咱们就聊点儿带有异域风情的、在本土不是很常见或者不是很正宗的国外食物,那就从外出旅游引入呗,例如法式焗蜗牛(French-style baked snails),渔人码头的龙虾汤(lobster bisque at Fisherman’s Wharf),正宗日本寿司生鱼片(authentic sushi and sashimi),或者意大利风情菜肴(authentically flavored Italian dishes)…… 如果大家不喜欢聊出国游,我们本土也可以有很多你小时候没吃过,长到一定阶段才有机会吃或者才有勇气吃的食物啊,建议大家此时重新看一遍舌尖上的中国(A Bite of China),一定会有灵感的!再给大家一点儿小tip,如果真滴想说这个,请大家打开Wikipedia,纪录片里的所有菜名的英文翻译,都在里面了!例如油焖冬笋(stewed bamboo shoots)、竹升面(Jook-sing noodles)、宁波年糕(Ningbo rice cake)、葱烧海参(braised sea cucumber)等等。

I’d like to talk about the experience when I first ate stinky tofu, which is a pretty popular Chinese snack that you can get basically from any snack bar. Anyway, you can tell from its name that it has an unpleasant smell, which used to make me wanna puke. I mean, every time I walked past a snack bar that sells stinky tofu, I would be disgusted by the horrible smell. And also, it is deep-fired, which is not good for my health and skin, so I never wanted to try it. 
However, once I played truth or dare with a bunch of friends, and they dared me to take a bite of stinky tofu. I was reluctant, but at the same time, I didn’t want to be called a party-pooper, so I went outside and get myself a cube of stinky tofu. I struggled for a while, and I have to say, it was really hard to hold my breath for that long. Finally, I summoned up the courage and take a bite. Surprisingly, it tasted amazingly good! It was crisp outside, and tender inside, besides, they had this incredibly palatable sauce, which made it all the more savory. I just fell in love with it at first bite, right now, even only the thought of it can make my mouth water. I remember I bought 2 boxes of them that day, and I ate them all without sharing with my friends. The smell almost killed them, but I really had a blast.
Since then, I tried quite a few things that I’d never thought of eating before, like spiders, sashimi and stuff like that. And I realize my preconception has stopped me from eating many kinds of delish food, so I feel that I missed out on a lot of fun in the past.


吉林新东方官方微信:吉林新东方 (微信号:jlxdfcn



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