雅思口语里,总会有一波关于arts and crafts或者handicraft的题目涌现,很多孩子看到后都很“呵呵”,这种题目拿中文都没啥可说的好不好!还要让我们用英文讲!还得说两分钟!简直是令人发指有没有!首先,光是举几个handicraft的例子,一时间都困难对不对!此时很多孩子的心情肯定是I couldn’t think of anything off the top of my head.
这个话题无论是在Part 1还是Part 2,都会出现,而且总是充当话题终结者的角色,因为烤鸭们真的是无言以对啊……
首先举几个很常见的handicraft的例子,大家熟悉的有cross-stitch(十字绣),calligraphy(书法,不光是拿毛笔写的哦,国外也有calligraphy哦!),pottery(陶艺),sculpture(雕塑),paper marbling(就是把颜料浮在水上,然后用纸沾,之后随机的图像就印在纸上了,感兴趣的朋友,please visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_marbling,上面有很详细的制作步骤),rag doll making(制作布偶玩具),还有我们中国的民间艺术(Chinese folk art)中国结(Chinese knots)等等。
之后我们可以说说为啥喜欢或者不喜欢这些手工活动。喜欢呢可以用烂俗的理由:It takes my mind off things.(做手工可以让我暂时忘却一些糟心事儿),it’s just relaxing and soothing(做手工就是很能让人放松的啊,偶尔还有治愈系的作用),I heard making handicrafts can help develop my artistic ability and makes me smarter(听说做手工能够培养我的艺术细胞并且能让我变聪明)。不喜欢的理由常见的是“太麻烦,太费事儿”(It’s just too much effort.)或者天生不是“心灵手巧”,根本没有艺术细胞(I’m just not good with my hands. I don’t have it in me to make handicrafts.)。
OK,假装Part 1搞定了,Part 2里的art or craft activity咋办呢!之前给大家介绍过“画面具”,不过很多考生还是喜欢传统一点儿的,更有文化气息的,于是整理了一下“剪纸”素材,希望能够给大家一些灵感:
As you know paper cut is a kind of traditional Chinese handicraft, and red is the most commonly used color. It has a history of more than 1500 years, and now, it’s still popular, we always use them to decorate our windows during Spring Festival and weddings ceremonies, just to create a festive atmosphere.
I remember in my first art class in primary school, our task was to cut paper designs. Our teacher prepared piles of paper in varies colors, and pairs of scissors for each of us. After teaching some basic skills, the teacher encouraged us to do it free style, which means we could make our own paper cut in any way we want. I folded the paper up in several folds, and drew some patterns in pencil, and then I cut the pattern out, if everything went right, after unfolding the paper I would get a perfect paper cut. However, it was easier said than done, I tried several times, but I didn’t succeed, not even once. However, most of my classmates had finished their task by then. To be honest, I was a little flustered. My teacher came up to me and asked if I needed any help, and I was like, “Oh finally, I could really use some help”. After her patient guidance, at last I made an OK-looking paper cut, for which I was really proud of myself.
Honestly, I had a blast in that class, although I realized I didn’t have any artistic talent.