

2016-06-17 10:15



吉林新东方 朱博





看到“an object your family has kept for a long time”这道题的孩子,有没有真的回家问妈妈咱家都有啥…… 这道题的既视感就是布满灰尘的小仓库,废纸壳箱子上挂着spider’s web,然后在箱子底儿翻出来了要描写的这件object。哎,为了考个雅思口语,何必呢!大家别自己难为自己,找个跟我们生活关系大点儿的(因为知道说什么),并且有相应的语料储备的(因为知道怎么说),随便聊聊就好了。
很多孩子会想到家谱,不过这个family tree你真的见到过么… 是本书还是张纸呢?反正我是没见过,编起来都有些困难哇。
也有孩子想讲个family heirloom,比如金表金项链啥的!这样就很好嘛,毕竟可以说说来源,意义什么的么,比如下面的素材:

I’d like to talk about my family heirloom, which is a gold bracelet with some little diamonds and it once belonged to my great great grandfather. I was told that my great great grandfather was an antique collector, but during the period of war, with the revolution and everything, most of his collections were sold or stolen, the only thing left was this bracelet, which makes it more precious. 
My father told me that this bracelet was once owned by nobles more than 100 years ago, so not everyone had the chance to see it, but somehow it got out of the Forbidden City and ran into the antique market. My great great grandfather always had an eye for treasures, he paid a lot for this piece of art, which has been handed down from generation to generation. 
And now, just like I said at the beginning, it has become our family heirloom. Fathers would pass it down to his son or daughter, and my mom told me, it would be passed to me on the day I get married. I’m sure that’s a tradition in China, all the family heirlooms work like this. 
Actually, it’s more than just a bracelet, I mean, it represents the connection and the special bond between family members in different generations, so that’s why it’s so valuable to us.

There actually is an old thing in my family, but it’s like a mystery to me because I have never seen it. It was a gift from my grandpa when I was little. I heard it is really precious and fragile, so I was not allowed to touch it. I’ve only seen the wooden box which seemed so large to me at my age. When I was older, we moved to another house and left it at the old one. From then on, I never seen it again. 
I was told it is a family heirloom which has been passed on from generation to generation since Qing dynasty. And I heard it is a white porcelain vase carved with flowers. And my father told me that it belonged to the Emperor of China, but I highly doubt it. I hope it’s true, though. 

    In my mom’s closet, there’s a big family album, which I’m 100% sure is older than me. My mom put all the photos in chronological order, so in the first several pages, there are people whom I haven’t even met. They are all black and white ones, some of which have already faded over the years. Every time we took new pictures, my mom would take the album out and put them in it, so you can imagine how heavy it is now. When I was little, my mom used to show me the old pictures and tell stories about the people in them, so even though I haven’t met my late great grandparents, it feels like I’ve known them forever. 
    All my family members are crazy about taking pictures. We believe that it’s a perfect way to capture the precious moments and record our life stories. If you keep browsing the album, maybe dozens of pages later, you’ll see me in some of the photos. And this is my favorite part of the album. Back then, when I was a baby, there were no digital cameras yet, so we needed to develop the films, you know, and the original films were nowhere to be found, which makes those photos all the more priceless.
    Browsing the album is like a trip down memory lane, I could see myself grow from a baby to a toddler, and then to a teenager. I’m sure my parents must feel the same way, so I guess that’s why my family has kept it for such a long time.


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