吉林新东方朱博--用法语来搞定a course and a skill you want to learn
2016-05-24 08:54
作者:吉林新东方 朱博
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主授课程:雅思口语,托福口语,面试口语,倍学口语,海外生存口语。 |
还是那句话,如果大家跟雅思“约”久了,比如经历了几轮换题季,你就会发现,这些题目之间的关联不小哦!抛开“人事物地传媒”这几大类不说,如果按照懒人雅思备考大法,带着之前备好的素材,纵观新一轮的机经,心中就会窃喜!不由得感叹道:“这道题的答案我准备过啊!” 随便举几个例子哈,去年的机经里,出现过Describe a language you want to learn (expect English),最新的机经里它的变身体是A course that you want to learn,或者A new skill that you want to learn more,是不是整个language course或者language skill就行了!再比如,之前考过“管别人借东西”,新机经里有“跟别人share东西”和“帮助别人的经历”,对象互换就OK了嘛!还有之前考过“跟你道歉的人”,现在又出现了“一次你有点儿生气的经历”,你想想,人家都跟你道歉了,说明怎么滴你之前也该有点儿生气了嘛!所以答案说来说去就是一回事儿嘛!再不然,大家也可以借用“天气改变计划”的素材,虽然跟天气生气有点儿没道理,但是计划因为天气泡汤确实很令人恼火嘛!说到这里,我们再可以联想一下“早起经历”这道题目,因为很多孩子想到的素材是“早起看日出”,但这类活动就涉及到了不可人为控制的自然因素,比如“天气”!所以,是不是可以说因为老天不给力,所以看日出计划泡汤,所以你有一丢丢生气呢!还有很早很早就考过a positive change in your life,不过我们可不可以把它跟a difficult choice整合,说说做完这个决定之后,整个人生都“正能量”了一些呢(比如之前分享过的“决定出国深造”素材)! 总之,在拿着机经“刷题”之前,先来分析一下,哪几道题目可以连连看,会给自己省去不少的麻烦哦! 下面,就搞一个学习法语的素材,希望大家可以根据喜好,按到course和skill话题里面。
Well, I’d like to learn French, mostly because of a movie I watched when I was little, called Love me, if you dare. I was so attracted to the storyline, and most importantly, I fell in love with the language which I thought was the most beautiful one in the world. The tone is elegant, I mean, it just sounds sexy and charming. And French songs are really and truly out of this world. Actually, I thought I could speak French by using some multimedia self-study materials, you know, like videos, phrasebooks and some Apps I can download to my phone. I even bought grammar books hoping that I could get the hang of it. But it turned out that it was impossible. The grammar was so complicated, you know, boys and girls refer to the same thing using different words, which was so hard to remember. I downloaded quite a few French movies, and I watched them over and over again to correct my pronunciation and develop my language sensibility. But in the end, I realized I couldn’t do it without professional guidance. Plus my schoolwork was heavy back then, so I just gave up. But I never stopped loving it. And now that I would go to Canada for college, and I know French is the second official language there, which gives me all the more reason for learning it.
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