

2016-05-24 08:47


作者:吉林新东方 朱博

吉林新东方 朱博




机经里有这样一道题目:An extracurricular activity。大家可以从“德智体美劳”各个角度思考,例如读书会(book club),组建乐队(form a band),摄影爱好者协会(photography club),骑行(cycling),志愿者协会(voluntary work,比如去敬老院nursing home给老人讲故事陪老奶奶聊天),春游(spring outing),艺术节(art show),科技展(science show)等等。
如果大家在国际中学读书,那么我们还可以说一些让考官共鸣的课外活动,例如senior prom(毕业舞会),Terry Fox Run(Terry Fox慈善慢跑),Hockey match(曲棍球比赛),Football match(橄榄球比赛)等等。
Every spring semester my school would hold a sport event called Terry Fox Run in honor of the great Canadian distance runner Terry Fox, who was a disabled athlete with one artificial leg. I have to say, his story inspires us all, but actually, before I took part in this activity, I knew nothing about him. Later I learned that he was more than just an athlete, he was also a humanitarian and cancer research activist. As a patient himself, he knew first-hand how this nasty disease can bring people down. So he began the famous Marathon of Hope in order to create public awareness and raise money for cancer research. And I know that it has become a worldwide annual event, and I believe this non-competitive charity event is quite meaningful, ‘cause it brings positive energy to everyone who has attended this event. 
Last year, I participated in it, and the whole journey covered about 10 miles, from our school to the riverbank and back. Our principal said participation is considered to be more important than completing the set distance. And to be honest, I didn’t think I would make it, but surprisingly, I did it! When I couldn’t catch my breath and wanted to give up, I thought of Terry Fox, which I know is a little cliché, but it’s true. There were more than 500 students who took part in the event, and we all made it to the finish line. 
In my opinion, this kind of event should be held more often, I mean, it’s educational, and it encourages us to keep fighting and push us beyond our limits. It doesn’t matter how much money we raised, at least we know we are doing something for a good cause.

    所以,说一些比较有名气的activity的优点就是,老外会比较有共鸣,而且我们不用详细的介绍流程,因为老外都知道,我们不说他也懂。而且他如果也是该活动的积极参与者,那就太好了!再比方说,之前比较流行的Color Run,也是很好的素材哦!这一项encourage people to run for fun and promote healthiness and happiness的活动,特别有话可讲啊!在前半段简要介绍一下,例如It’s a 5-k paint race that has no winners or prizes. All the runners are showered with colored powder, which is made of food-grade cornstarch at stations along the run. Everybody must be dressed in white, which makes them more colorful when they get to the finish line. 如果大家真的有参与的经历,就可以跟考官讲述一下自己是如何被其他runner抛洒“彩弹”的啦!



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  • 考研资讯
  • 四六级资讯
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  • 托福资讯


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